
Copy Hypothesis annotations from one group to another

I wanted to copy my public annotations to a different group. However, there is no option available on the website for the same. Furthermore, there were more than 60 annotations, so I did not want to annotate & highlight the same page again. So I started looking for solutions online; I found an article by web.hypothes.is/help Copy Annotations to a New Course . It is intended for teachers; however, I wanted to make it work for myself.

‘Annotating the web: Hypothesis – Web & PDF Annotation’

I have a habit of writing in books while reading them with a pencil, as I try to capture the thoughts which arise when I read the book. But, as nowadays we spend of our time on the internet, I wanted something so that I can keep my throughout written on that webpage, I tried various websites. Then I found Hypothesis – Web & PDF Annotation . It made my life a bit easier.