Halborn discovered a massive #ZeroDay vulnerability code-named Rab13s impacting Dogecoin and 280+ networks, including Litecoin and Zcash, putting over $25 Billion of digital assets at risk.

To understand the zero-day vulnerability Rab13s, we need to go through some basic concepts. So I would like to explain blockchain and its key characteristics.

Blockchain is a data structure used to represent a cryptocurrency. Stores data in a way that allows multiple parties to access it reliably without having to trust one another.

The key characteristics of blockchain are:- 

Decentralized control: Communal consensus, rather than one party’s decision, dictates who gets to access or update the blockchain.

Tamper-evidence: It’s immediately obvious if data stored on the blockchain has been tampered with.

Nakamoto consensus: One has to provably spend resources when updating the blockchain.

Now as we know the basics of blockchain, we can learn about how transactions are added to the blockchain.

As the new transactions happen on the blockchain, they are bundled into “blocks, ” which are added to the blockchain with backlinks to enforce the order. Then the Data is stored by, and updates are broadcasted to, everyone

This images illustrate a series of transactions from various sources, each represented by a unique cartoon character. 

Once a transaction is initiated, it is added to a queue to be processed and added to a block. On the left side of the image, multiple blocks are shown in a line, with transactions being selected for inclusion based on the fees paid. Transactions with higher fees are prioritized and added to the current block, while those with lower fees may have to wait for the next block.

As the block reaches its capacity, all transactions contained within it are finalized and added to the blockchain. This process ensures that all transactions are validated and securely recorded while incentivising miners to prioritize high-value transactions. Overall, this system helps ensure the blockchain network’s integrity and efficiency.

Now that we know how transactions are added to the blockchain, you might want to know who checks and verifies the transactions before adding blocks to the blockchain.

Mining is the process that Bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies use to generate new coins and verify new transactions. It involves vast, decentralized networks of computers around the world that verify and secure blockchains – the virtual ledgers that document cryptocurrency transactions. In return for contributing their processing power, computers on the network are rewarded with new coins. It’s a virtuous circle: the miners maintain and secure the blockchain, the blockchain awards the coins, and the coins incentivise miners to maintain the blockchain.

The high-level view of mining:- 

  1. Download the entire Bitcoin blockchain
  2. Verify incoming transactions 
  3. Create a block 
  4. Do work, here it bunch of pointless brute-force computations **(**Find a valid nonce) 
  5. Broadcast your block 
  6. Get the Reward 

Blockchain nodes play a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and they are network stakeholders, and their devices are authorized to keep track of the distributed ledger and serve as communication hubs for various network tasks.

To add blocks to the blockchain, the nodes that are responsible for mining must come to a consensus. Multiple nodes are attempting to obtain the reward, so they must reach a mutual agreement before a block can be added to the blockchain.

Consensus refers to the process of reaching an agreement among participants in a network. In the context of a ledger of transactions, the consensus is required to agree on any changes made to it.

For instance, in the case where Alice promises 1 BTC to Bob in one transaction and the same 1 BTC to Carol in another, this creates a double spending attack that needs to be resolved through consensus.

An individual attempts to spend the same cryptocurrency twice in a double-spend attack. To execute this attack successfully, the attacker must control most of the network’s computing power, typically around 51%.

If Alice were to attempt a double spend attack, she would need to control the majority of the network’s computing power. Otherwise, the rest of the network would not accept her version of the blockchain.

It’s important to note that if anyone could create a node and add blocks to the network, it would make the network vulnerable to attacks from individuals seeking to manipulate the ledger for their benefit. To prevent this, the Nakamoto consensus protocol is used.

The Nakamoto consensus is a specific method used in the Bitcoin network to achieve consensus among participants. It involves requiring network participants to perform resource-intensive computations to add new blocks to the blockchain and to validate transactions.

This process of performing computationally-intensive tasks is not pointless; it serves as a way to prevent malicious actors from taking over the network and manipulating the ledger. The network can maintain security and prevent attacks by requiring participants to demonstrate that they have put in significant effort to add new blocks.  Doing so ensures that participants in the network have significant computational power and makes it more difficult for any individual to manipulate the ledger.

The image shows Alice shares her version of the blockchain in the image with the network. However, after completing their computations, Dan, Carol, and Bob reject her version of the blockchain. At the same time, other proxy nodes controlled by Alice are still performing their computations and attempting to vote.

Despite Alice’s efforts, the network ultimately rejects her version of the blockchain through the process of consensus. By majority vote, the network agrees to maintain the existing version of the blockchain, which is considered the most accurate and valid record of the network’s transactions.

So now I think you can understand the zero-day , which impacts most of the blockchains. According to Holborn, The most critical vulnerability discovered is related to peer-to-peer (p2p) communications, where attackers can craft consensus messages and send it to individual nodes, taking them offline.

Another zero-day identified by Halborn was uniquely related to #Dogecoin , including an RPC vulnerability impacting individual miners.

Subsequently, variants of these 0 days were also discovered in similar blockchain networks, potentially leading to DoS or RCE attacks.

We can understand the vulnerabilities mentioned above in terms of our alice’s example

As per Holborn, Alice now has the ability to send consensus messages that can cause the receiving nodes to shut down and disconnect from the network.

If a significant portion of the nodes in the blockchain network are offline, Alice could potentially gain control of the majority of the remaining nodes. With this level of control, Alice could attempt to launch a 51% attack on the network, which would allow her to carry out double-spending attacks and manipulate the blockchain’s transaction history.

Halborn was hired to audit dogecoin’s code, and due to the severity of the issue, they did not release technical or exploit details at the time. I attempted to read their commit history messages to understand the technical details better. However, I found the relevant details in their latest update security improvement section. This release contains multiple security-related fixes:

  • The alert system has been removed, and the processing of alert messages has been disabled
  • The transaction download system has been made more reliable
  • The protocol implementation has been amended to reject buggy or malformed messages
  • Memory management in events of high network traffic or when connected to extremely slow peers has been improved

I believe the malicious actor was utilizing the alert system to send consensus messages, allowing them to perform remote command execution on the affected node. This allowed them to shut down the node or execute any other command they desired. The protocol has been amended to reject any buggy or malformed messages to prevent this from happening again. 





