As i have been using paid SSL certificates from namecheap for a long time, a friend of mine told me Letsencrypt issues you a free SSL certificate. A question raised in my mind that do certificates i pay for use better cryptography than free certificates?. After searching online i got to know “no! you can pay a certificate authority extra for an EV (“extended validation”) certificate, but that won’t give you better cryptography.”

For getting the SSL certificate from Letsencrypt you need Shell Access or Your hosting provider should be listed on their website . As EasyWP is not listed on their website and i have use manual mode. I tried the instructions written on the page for manual mode however as a first time user it was confusing for me. Luckily i found a tutorial which deals with the issue of manual mode. However i faced several difficulties.

Like in the tutorial the script was not working somehow so i used the command

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d -m --agree-tos --manual-public-ip-logging-ok

After entering the command with sudo privileges you will get a prompt to complete the dns challenge by adding a Txt record with the value shown in the cmd.

You have to visit your domain provider to access the dns setting and there you have to add a record like below

Type	                Host                    Value             TTL
TXT_Record             _acme-challenge    ValueShown on cmd       1 min

After adding the record wait for a some time (i my case it took 1 minute) and hit enter on cmd line. Now the certificate will be generated and stored in your pc.

Now you have to visit Easywp Dashboard and select the website. On Website’s overview webpage search for ssl certificate then click on manage then select Custom SSL Cert and then upload generated Private Key & SSL Certificate.

Now the SSL certificate will be updated in few minutes.