
On Inclusion and Diversity

Recently i watched a documentary named Coded bias, it investigates the bias in algorithms after M.I.T media lab researcher Joy Buolamwini uncovered flaws in facial recognition technologies. It was found out the algo’s were biased against People of colour and Women. What i understood from the documentary was the tech industry is dominated by similar looking people (for example 83% of Google tech employees were men, with 60% of the entire tech workforce being white), they could have unconsciously encoded or propagated biases.

Hinglish to Hindi typing

I was looking for a tool for PC that helps in converting the text I wrote in Hinglish (a blend of Hindi and English Mostly I wrote Hindi in English alphabets). As this feature is available in Google Indic keyboard for Android, However, I wanted this for my PC as I am translating a website into the Hindi language. Initially, the websites I found were lagging then I found Google Input Tools online.

Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth

The above title was the title of a poem by Pam Ayres in my English literature book in class 9th (CBSE). It describes the pain faced by the author while having treatment of her tooth by the dentist and her regret of not caring about her tooth earlier. In my 8th class a dental camp was organized in my school, the doctor had told me I have cavities in my multiple teeth and I need to get it fixed but the day I decided to visit the dentist, however, their clinic was closed.

This too shall pass

I was busy on my phone, I heard my sister quoting the phrase “This too shall pass” while talking to my mother. She was telling in Shrimad Bhagawat Gita, Arjuna’s asked lord Krishna how one can stay humble and hopeful in his good times and bad times respectively. Lord Krishna told him that he should think in this manner: The good times are not permanent and he must prepare for the hard times should not become egoistic and stay humble.

Social media and Me

A few years ago I used to be hyperactive on social media. Initially, it was for exchanging updates of our life with friends & family. As time passed by my social media usage time increased and real-life interaction with my friends decreased. And I found myself in a toxic hell of infinite scrolling, validation, appreciation, and praises. However One day I observed that I checked a post of mine 10 times in a minute for viewing the number of likes and each time I saw the same number gave me a strange kind of sadness.

Setting up RDP in Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi4

Today I was setting up RDP in my ubuntu server on n Raspberry Pi4. For that I installed XRDP. sudo apt install xrdp And I then followed this article . As I am using Debian 11 as my host OS on my laptop, it contains a preinstalled Remote Desktop Viewer Application. So I tried connecting to the pi the connection was successful, however upon the successful connection I was prompted to select a default window manager.