

One day when I checked my WhatsApp, there was a message on our infosec friends group that we should check this game once as it is browser-based and takes only 5-6 minutes to complete. So I checked; the game was “WE BECOME WHAT WE BEHOLD “. It is a game about news cycles and how the media shows us the news, which helps increase their profits. In the game, we play as news reporters who have to take pictures of people & conflict between two communities in a closed town-like environment, and the photos will be shown on TV.

DGPLUG Summer Training

Last year I was going through my LinkedIn feed, And I saw a post about an open-source training in which participants will be taught to grow their skills and become upstream open-source contributors. In the post, I read that DGPLUG will conduct the training, and they have been doing it for over a decade. So after I read the post, I searched about it and found out that DGPLUG stands for Durgapur Linux User group.

30 Days of Writing challenge

Today I attended a session on blog writing in which we were motivated to write blogs daily. So from today, I am challenging myself to write consistently for the next 30 days about the various topics I have on my list, but I never wrote about them. So I will be maintaining a list of those articles on this blog. Why do I write? I write because my blog is a marker in my memory as I usually write about solving the problems I encountered and how I solved them.

Error: No Toolchains Found in the NDK Toolchains Folder

I was trying to export an old version of the android app from GitHub into the android studio, the project was not showing any issues in compilation however, as i tried to run the project, I encountered a run time error in the android studio log showed there is a Gradle sync error with message “No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: arm-linux-androideabi”. For a solution, I search StackOverflow and found this theard .

Letsencrypt SSL certificate for EasyWP

As i have been using paid SSL certificates from namecheap for a long time, a friend of mine told me Letsencrypt issues you a free SSL certificate. A question raised in my mind that do certificates i pay for use better cryptography than free certificates?. After searching online i got to know “no! you can pay a certificate authority extra for an EV (“extended validation”) certificate, but that won’t give you better cryptography.

Debian booting to GRUB

I faced a strange problem i went to college in the morning and when i came back in the evening my laptop was booting up to grub 2 command shell. And the reason was not known to me then i started looking for solutions. To my surprise there were no specific solutions available for Debian, However i thought i should try maybe they can work. The solutions were correct however somehow confusing so i thought i should write a blog about that so that if someone goes through same problem he can refer this blog.

Installing Docker in Debian Bullseye

Docker has a official installation guide for Debian . I followed all the steps that are mentioned in the guide. However in the end i faced the following error Package docker-ce is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source Package docker-ce-cli is not available, but is referred to by another package.

Can knowledge be dead if not renewed ?

I completed my senior secondary education from CBSE board, While studying i used to find the English prose and drama highly interesting. The chapters always have some kind of message or lesson to convey however at that time we used study the chapters so that we can score well in the exams. However i find the lines of the pages underlined with thoughts i used to get while reading the chapters.

‘The CS courses & training i love’

In his blog i will be sharing the courses that i would recommend my friends and family to complete it. The courses are not free. You will need the currency of twenty first century, which is also known as time for fully getting the courses. I hope you will check the courses out. I will try to keep this blog well maintained. The date of latest of blog is Sept 17 2021.

Murphy’s Law

According to Wikipedia Murphy’s law can be defined as “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” I registered for the TCS NQT exam to test my skills, TCS had given the students an advisory that they have to take one of their mock tests (IRC & the other one) for testing the compatibility of the host system. For the test’s I was supposed to download their application and then appear for the test.