
‘How can they see my chats, Whatsapp: Ads?’

A couple of years ago, I had a conversation with my friend that I read an article/ thread in which the user wrote he had a conversation with his friend about buying something and then was surprised as he was getting ads for the thing he wanted to buy on google. It happened to him a lot of times. So we were discussing whether it is accurate or a conspiracy theory.

Permission denied (publickey) Digital Ocean

Today I redeemed Digital Ocean’s offer from the GitHub student pack, which gave me 100$ worth of credit for the next one year, which will be enough for me to learn self-hosting. I created a basic droplet using a non-root user and generated an ssh-key for login; however, I was getting an error “root@ipaddress: Permission denied (publickey).” After reading a lot of blogs yet, I was not able to find the solution.

’ Errors- vmware unable to install all modules vmmon vmnet'

After installing the VMware workstation, when I tried starting my VM, it showed me an error “Errors- vmware unable to install all modules vmmon vmnet”. As the StackOverflow solutions were not working, I found this article after searching for answers for a couple of hours. As my vmware workstation was already installed, I followed ” Errors- VMware unable to install all modules vmmon vmnet”. In my case, GCC and build tools were installed, i Downloaded the latest vmware-host-modules – VMMON and VMNET from github .

How to create blank page / plain text pages posts in WordPress

As we can get a JSON response from the Github repository’s file if we create a file in JSON format, for, e.g. So I wanted a similar response from WordPress for use in a project; however, I was not able to find any article until I had a conversation with my company’s founder he told me about an article he wrote. In that article, I found a PHP script that removed the plain text I wanted so I could leave the reader in JSON format.

How I registered an already registered IRC nickname.

I wanted to register a nick; however, it was already registered. So I started looking for ways to register the desired nick on libra chat. After a few searches, I saw the link , which has documentation about lengthening nick expiry. The documentation mentioned if a nick is inactive for 60 weeks (approximately one year); while writing this blog, I searched for a definition of expired nick on IRC. Which took me to the Nickname Registration page of IRC, where they mentioned the nickname expiry section “While nicknames and accounts do not automatically get deleted when they expire—only when another user requests to take over the registration-we do occasionally perform clean-up runs on the services database, in which we will automatically drop all registrations which have been idle for a long time”.

‘WordPress: curl (60) SSL certificate problem’

Today before the training session, when a mentor tried adding my website’s feed in dgplug planet , they told me there was an error, and they asked me to use the curl command on the website, so I did. curl https://techtrials.tech/feed I had a valid SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt, and my website ran on all the major browsers. However, the curl command threw the following error. curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate More details here: https://curl.

It is our money or theirs? – Byju’s Cancellation Issue.

Last month I asked my cousin if he was interested in online studies for his class 11th PCM; he said no, I am not interested as I prefer studying offline. I was okay with the fact he denied any. Sometimes, people have issues like lack of concentration, eye pain and lack of understanding while studying online. However, recently when I went back to my home town, I learned that he had purchased a subscription from Byju’s.

Pictures Near Imagination – DALL.E 2

While growing up, I always used to think, what if someone makes software in which you can write what you want to see, and the software will show the pictures near to your imagination? And yes, they have done it; luckily, I got access to it today. OpenAI has created software which generates images based upon text prompts which can be taken from users. According to OpenAI DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.

Lighting, On Snap!

Today I was attending my dgplug training as usual using my laptop however my laptop’s battery was low. And when I plugged my laptop for charging and charging status didn’t indicated my laptop was charging. Maybe due to lighting it has stopped working as I am in my hometown it will take couple of days to fix it. Till then I will not able work normally.

A Conundrum

According to the oxford dictionary, Conundrum means a “confusing and difficult problem or question”. I feel compassionate towards living beings. Therefore, I always try not to kill insects/animals, and if I find them stuck, I always help them so that they can live. For example, I always take out an ant that has fallen into a water bowl. A few days ago, I was on a call with a friend in my garden when I saw a caterpillar and a Green Mantis on a dense flower plant.