
Error: No Toolchains Found in the NDK Toolchains Folder

I was trying to export an old version of the android app from GitHub into the android studio, the project was not showing any issues in compilation however, as i tried to run the project, I encountered a run time error in the android studio log showed there is a Gradle sync error with message “No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: arm-linux-androideabi”. For a solution, I search StackOverflow and found this theard .

Letsencrypt SSL certificate for EasyWP

As i have been using paid SSL certificates from namecheap for a long time, a friend of mine told me Letsencrypt issues you a free SSL certificate. A question raised in my mind that do certificates i pay for use better cryptography than free certificates?. After searching online i got to know “no! you can pay a certificate authority extra for an EV (“extended validation”) certificate, but that won’t give you better cryptography.

Installing Docker in Debian Bullseye

Docker has a official installation guide for Debian . I followed all the steps that are mentioned in the guide. However in the end i faced the following error Package docker-ce is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source Package docker-ce-cli is not available, but is referred to by another package.

Setting up RDP in Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi4

Today I was setting up RDP in my ubuntu server on n Raspberry Pi4. For that I installed XRDP. sudo apt install xrdp And I then followed this article . As I am using Debian 11 as my host OS on my laptop, it contains a preinstalled Remote Desktop Viewer Application. So I tried connecting to the pi the connection was successful, however upon the successful connection I was prompted to select a default window manager.