
Musked and Mistaken: How I Fell for Three Crypto Scams (And What I Learned)

I have been an active participant in the crypto space since August 2017 and I consider myself to be pretty tech-savvy. However, I have been shocked every time I’ve fallen victim to a phishing scam. Unfortunately, it has happened to me three times now. The first time I was phished, I had just opened a new wallet and gave away my seed phrase to a scam website. I was new to the space and didn’t know any better, so I thought it was okay.

Googling as a skill

Last year I read an article, “Someone added ‘googling’ as a skill on CV, landed an interview. See viral tweet “. After reading the article and following the original writer’s tweet on Twitter, I saw mixed reaction’s from the Twitter community. Some were praising it, on the other hand; some criticising it. Recently, a friend asked me to make a resume for them as they come from a commerce background and are fresher; I struggled to fill the space in a single-page resume based on their information.

How I started learning English!!

A couple of days before a friend of mine attempted an English test. They struggled with it. So when I saw that test, I was comfortable with it. Because of all this, I remember how I started learning English. As i came from a town people didn’t use English for verbal communication, even in English medium schools. So the start of my journey to learning English was interesting. When I was a kid aged 6-8, I found an old photocopied notes of English grammar, from which my mama used to study.

Communication skills enhancer blogs/posts

When we communicate online, the person on another side can not see us, so we must be careful how we talk to others to avoid confusion/misunderstandings. As per my conviction, I think people who are relatively new on the internet should read the blogs/posts/ article for the same.https://dontasktoask.com/ https://www.nohello.com/?m=1 http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html https://heyguys.cc/ https://www.gerv.net/hacking/how-to-ask-good-questions/ https://blog.citl.mun.ca/instructionalresources/netiquette/ http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/presentations/mailing-list-etiquette.pdf

30 Days of Writing challenge

Today I attended a session on blog writing in which we were motivated to write blogs daily. So from today, I am challenging myself to write consistently for the next 30 days about the various topics I have on my list, but I never wrote about them. So I will be maintaining a list of those articles on this blog. Why do I write? I write because my blog is a marker in my memory as I usually write about solving the problems I encountered and how I solved them.

Murphy’s Law

According to Wikipedia Murphy’s law can be defined as “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” I registered for the TCS NQT exam to test my skills, TCS had given the students an advisory that they have to take one of their mock tests (IRC & the other one) for testing the compatibility of the host system. For the test’s I was supposed to download their application and then appear for the test.

Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth

The above title was the title of a poem by Pam Ayres in my English literature book in class 9th (CBSE). It describes the pain faced by the author while having treatment of her tooth by the dentist and her regret of not caring about her tooth earlier. In my 8th class a dental camp was organized in my school, the doctor had told me I have cavities in my multiple teeth and I need to get it fixed but the day I decided to visit the dentist, however, their clinic was closed.

This too shall pass

I was busy on my phone, I heard my sister quoting the phrase “This too shall pass” while talking to my mother. She was telling in Shrimad Bhagawat Gita, Arjuna’s asked lord Krishna how one can stay humble and hopeful in his good times and bad times respectively. Lord Krishna told him that he should think in this manner: The good times are not permanent and he must prepare for the hard times should not become egoistic and stay humble.

Social media and Me

A few years ago I used to be hyperactive on social media. Initially, it was for exchanging updates of our life with friends & family. As time passed by my social media usage time increased and real-life interaction with my friends decreased. And I found myself in a toxic hell of infinite scrolling, validation, appreciation, and praises. However One day I observed that I checked a post of mine 10 times in a minute for viewing the number of likes and each time I saw the same number gave me a strange kind of sadness.